You find yourself standing alone in an empty parking lot. Across the lot is an unassuming, banal building. It’s the kind of place you would ignore any other day. However, something makes it feel uncanny, almost like it isn’t quite real, like something out of a dream or a movie. The lighting is odd. Maybe the lights are brighter than they should be, maybe the shadows are too dark. You can’t quite make out details, either. Your brain tries to fill in what you are missing. What’s in that window? Are you really alone? Is this place alive, or is it abandoned? You feel something in the back of your mind. It’s not quite fear, but a certain uneasiness. Your mind is in this in-between state, in a place that makes you feel unsettled, somewhere that makes you feel like you’re living in a dream. You are entering a threshold, a state of in-betweens.

THRESHOLD - Artist Statement